Discussing Disability in Dance Book
One in four people in the US has a disability that impacts a major part of their life according to a 2018 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Breadth of Bodies: Discussing Disability in Dance asks: What if the dance world reflected that statistic?
Breadth of Bodies: Discussing Disability in Dance seeks to investigate stereotypes often used to describe professional dancers with disabilities. Spearheaded by Emmaly Wiederholt and Silva Laukkanen with illustrations by visual artist Liz Brent-Maldonado, the team interviewed 35 professional dance artists with disabilities around the country and world, asking about training, access, and press, as well as looking at the state of the field.
Purchase your print copy of Breadth of Bodies: Discussing Disability in Dance on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Herringbone Books, Green Apple Books, Walmart, and other online retailers.
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Purchase your audiobook copy on Audible.
Details: Authored by Emmaly Wiederholt and Silva Laukkanen, illustrations by Liz Brent-Maldonado, design by Christelle Dreyer, edited by Donne Lewis and April Adams, audiobook narrated by Sami Kekäläinen
The dancers interviewed:
Redouan “Redo” Ait Chitt: “I Want to Inspire People with Good Dance”
Yulia Arakelyan: “It’s Not ‘Despite,’ It’s Because Of Our Unique Bodies”
Marc Brew: “I Claim It: I Am A Disabled Man”
Hai Cohen: “I Would Like to See Good Dance, Period”
Sidiki Conde: “Dance Is About Happiness”
Hanna Cormick: “Not What My Body Does, But What My Body Is”
Suzanne Cowan: “I Can’t Be Reduced to One Thing”
Charlene Curtiss: “They’re Missing the Best Part”
Christelle Dreyer: “We Have to Prove We Can Move”
Erik Ferguson: “Dancing is How the Body Learns”
Nastija Fijolič: “Judge Me as A Dancer, Not as A Wheelchair Dancer”
Kayla Hamilton: “Do I Need To Name It?”
Jerron Herman: “A Political Understanding of Disability”
Antoine Hunter: “I Move My Body and I Communicate”
Lusi Insiati: “To Be Accepted as We Are”
Isabel Cristina Jiménez: “Dance is Freedom”
Maija Karhunen: “I Can Make Space For Myself”
Kelcie Laube: “It’s About The Relationship”
Laurel Lawson: “We’re Fighting for Artistic Acceptance”
Jung Soo “Krops” Lee: “Disability Isn’t Only What You See”
Kris Lenzo: “An Opportunity to Educate”
Kitty Lunn: “I’m Waiting for the World to Catch Up with Me”
Toby MacNutt: “It’s Both And”
Kazuyo Morita: “We Need Role Models”
Luca Patuelli: “Dance Can Be Organically Inclusive”
Mark Travis Rivera: “The Nuances of Multi-Identity”
Evan Ruggiero: “Just Another Hustling Artist”
Hannah Sampson: “How We Respect and Treat Each Other”
Bill Shannon: “Space, Light, Time, and The Human Condition”
Alice Sheppard: “I Want to Build a Network of Legacy”
Judith Smith: “Making Physically Integrated Work Part of The Dance Canon”
Mary Verdi-Fletcher: “Blazing the Trail”
Alexandria Wailes: “Let Us Move!”
Krishna Washburn: “I’m Cutthroat; This is My Career”