Articles tagged ‘queer’

Four dancers move about on a red and silver lit stage covered with many props.

Scores for Improvising with Ancestors

Kevin O’Connor, a multidisciplinary artist whose work is rooted in collaboration, improvisation, community-engaged arts, somatics, ecology, and queer art practices, writes an ode to his “dancestor” Billy and makes suggestions for scores to improvise with one’s ancestors.

Aiano demonstrates a reach upward and backward with their other hand on their stomach. Students in the mirror behind her watch and follow.

Coming Home

Aiano Nakagawa, a dance artist, educator, facilitator, writer, and event producer in the Bay Area, shares their story confronting and overcoming their body image inner demons.

One shimmering human is held aloft by six others, legs straight and sharp, arm wearily reaching toward light, all wearing sequin costumes of gold, silver, black, blue, and purple.

Democratizing Dance

Pioneer Winter, choreographer and artistic director of Pioneer Winter Collective, an intergenerational, queer, and physically integrated company based in Miami, Florida, shares his belief that dance should not be exclusionary.