The Movement of Memory
Mary Trunk, a filmmaker and dance artist in Altadena, CA, shares the process of creating her film, “Muscle Memory,” which explores aging in dance by reuniting with her college dance friends from UC Santa Cruz.
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Stance on Dance’s fall/winter 2022 print publication is out! Learn more about how to receive your copy and support dance journalism!
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An Interview with Mary Trunk Mary Trunk is involved in Muscle Memory, an interactive video project examining age and dance. The premise of her project is a reunion of sorts with peers from her college dance department, now in their 50s. Where has dance taken them? What role has it…
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Have a question, opinion or a stance on dance? Get in touch at Meet our director and editor: Emmaly Wiederholt is a dance artist and arts journalist based in Albuquerque, NM. She founded Stance on Dance in 2012. Emmaly earned her MA in Arts Journalism from the University of…
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