Swollen and Scraped, Scattered in Pieces
Camille Taft, a Colorado front range-based mover and visual artist, responds to the open prompt to illustrate in response to dance and movement.
Read articleStance on Dance’s Journey to Print
Stance on Dance is 10 years old, and to celebrate, we’ve become a 501c3 nonprofit and launched a twice-a-year print publication! Read more about Stance on Dance’s journey and this exciting new chapter!
Read articleRethinking My Dance Education
Emmaly Wiederholt ponders how her pre-professional training might have been augmented by more exposure to Afro diasporic forms, and how some college dance programs are finally making that shift.
Read articleWrapping Up 2020 with A Look at The Field
After interviewing seven leaders of major dance organizations, dancer/writer Emmaly Wiederholt sums up some ways 2020 has impacted the dance field.
Read articleSquare Dance
Happy National Poetry Month! Sandi Vetter’s “Square Dance” reminisces on watching her parents square dance as well as her own involvement in Latvian Folk Dance.
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