

The way a body moves conveys its soul-

Its hidden power to soothe, present, delight

Full knowingly bemused and in control

Each finger paints the space like form and light


A subtle tilt of cheek, the turnéd face

Craft salsa and romantic ballet’s flair

The port de bras is curved in soft embrace

And toes unclenched just touch the ankle there


Through every newborn day, grant space to twirl

In qualities of vital blue and pearl

Inversions spiral round as limbs unfurl

Loose from French-twisted hair a rogue, wild curl


Now chance to ask, “What may this movement mean?”

The path, which to its fate, each soul might wind

Is drawn out on the stage of life, now lean…

With grace, and fall; In dancing, love we find!


Why Dance?


I dance for myself, dance for cows, bees, and flowers

Dance for friends, and ones too whom I haven’t yet met.

Even more, I make moves to uncover life’s rules-

Those I fear once I’ve died, I am apt to forget.

For dancing is saying “Hello, here I am.”

And feeling my soft soul might wish to be known.

It’s like spoken gesture, ungrasped, coming true

Urging life into view when my spirit’s outgrown

All the old ways of hiding in patterns of pity;

Now with limbs strong, and heart filled with power to be,

I’ll stand grounded and call forth blood’s hymn:

Rich sung tones, through my bones,

Which for you grants wild hope to be free.

An illustration of gesturing arms and hands reaching out of abstract shapes and colors.


Cleo Person is a former professional ballet and modern dancer and an amateur writer. She now teaches movement to children and adults from many training backgrounds. She works with her students to build a foundation for confidence and expressive articulation in any form they choose to take on.

Sarah Groth is an interdisciplinary performer, choreographer, teacher, poet, and mixed medium visual artist. After achieving a degree in Contemporary Dance and Intercultural Communications from the University of New Mexico, Sarah set out as an independent artist and traveler. She has had the privilege of moving, creating, and performing with renowned international artists across the world. Sarah has been published in the Albuquerque Journal, Blue Mesa Review, Daily Lobo, Stance on Dance, and Forty South. Sarah is committed to addressing the complexities of humanness in conjunction with self and community — aiming to bring the intensely intimate forward, creating openness within juxtaposition and identity.

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