The Bunion: A Guide to Proper Cycling Port De Bras

By Maggie Stack and Emmaly Wiederholt
Are you going to turn right or are you going to itch your ear? If your fellow bikers and dancers can’t tell, you need to get your ass into class! Keep your intentions clear by following this guide printed by the Dancers4Bikers Safety Coalition.
Poor Right Turn Signal
biker bad right turn
Proper Right Turn Signal
biker proper right turn
Poor Left Turn Signal
biker bad left turn
Proper Left Turn Signal
biker proper left turn
Other signals you may not know:
Unexpected U-Turn Signal
biker u turn
The Belligerent Cyclist Signal
biker belligerent
P.S. Always wear a helmet no matter how great it feels to have your hair fly in the wind!

2 Responses to “The Bunion: A Guide to Proper Cycling Port De Bras”

  1. Jake Padilla

    the shining adonis can be used as a left or right turn! and in most cases will get you to class the fastest!

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