Photographer Pak Han

“Photographers wear many hats to accomplish their shots. We sometimes art direct, run after shots like an athlete, maneuver in tight spaces like a contortionist, practice patience like a monk, and clown around to get a beautiful smile for the camera. Another hat in my collection is a linguist, not of the spoken language, but of the body language. In my opinion, good photographs of people, whether editorial, portraiture, or performance art, require keen understanding of the human expression. With this understanding, a photographer has the tool for capturing the essence of their subjects in a single moment of time. From photographing dance I’ve learned to be conscientious of even the subtle movements and how they translate into certain feelings and emotions. I recognized how a slight change in positioning of a hand, for instance, can evoke different interpretation. This important lesson is applied to my fine art and street photography work as well. For me, dance has, and always will, serve as a classroom for mastering the unspoken language of human expression.”

-Pak Han

Pictured is performance artist Dohee Lee

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