On Top of the World

Painting and reflection by Julia Cost

On top of the world
12″ x 12″
Oil on Canvas

More and more, my interest in the performing arts seems to come down to an interest in the utter presence and effort that overcomes people when they are fighting to navigate challenges. The performed task can be anything at all. It doesn’t matter, so long as the performer is consumed, intellectually and physically.

These street performers in the Castro were consumed. Wailing haunting songs, fighting to balance on balls, strumming a guitar with a paint-mixing stick, holding a star-speckled umbrella over a shoulder… Their effort stopped me in my tracks.

One Response to “On Top of the World”

  1. bayareadancewatch

    Love the almost 3 dimensional look of the woman playing the guitar & the young man with the umbrella. Neat how a painter like Julia Cost can do that.

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