Observations of Alessio Silvestrin’s rehearsal, June 10, 2012

By Julia Cost

This is a sea
33 skulls pull along individual arcing trajectories
Chins land on invisible shelves
Hips jut out and torsos rearrange carefully between
Legs step in a strange spiral beneath, spring loaded and exact
uncoiling precisely into an arrival

Like looking at leaves blowing in a wind
or grass pulled by river current
there is a massively complicated or
incredibly simple mechanism at play
and it eludes me
but keeps me staring

Maybe mystery is the root of fascination.

How can you build a mystery

2 Responses to “Observations of Alessio Silvestrin’s rehearsal, June 10, 2012”

  1. Jim Tobin

    “Chins land on invisible shelves…”

    Now we’re talking!! And with the imagination. I like that, a lot.
    Always good phrases coming from Ms Julia Cost

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