Articles tagged ‘performance’

Four people sit onstage, one with a cane. The lighting is red, and a silvery set piece seems to swirl behind them.

Exploring How Performance is Experienced

Jess Curtis, an award-winning choreographer, performer, and scholar based in San Francisco and Berlin, shares how his career took a turn when he accepted a job in an interdisciplinary nouveau cirque company in France, and how he later established himself in Berlin while still running his company Jess Curtis/Gravity in the Bay Area.

A dancer midway up a very tall ladder in Grace Cathdral leans toward a light.

A Study of Surrender

Zaccho Dance Theatre artists Veronica Blair, Ciarra D’Onofrio, Suzanne Gallo, Saharla Vetsch, and Helen Wicks share how their upcoming aerial dance performance of “Love, a state of grace” at Grace Cathdral in San Francisco is a study of surrender, as well as how the apparatuses they dance on augment the meditative quality of the work.

Danielle dancing with her face projected on the wall behind her

The Making It Mindset

Danielle Reddick, a performer in Santa Fe, NM, shares how she found a way to work creatively and sustainably after experiencing burnout from touring in a Broadway production.