Street Dancer Bobby “Pocket” Horner Steps Back from Broadway
Bonnie Eissner profiles Bobby “Pocket” Horner, a street-dancer turned Broadway star who asks difficult and important questions about the nature of working on Broadway.
Bonnie Eissner profiles Bobby “Pocket” Horner, a street-dancer turned Broadway star who asks difficult and important questions about the nature of working on Broadway.
Sean Dorsey, San Francisco-based dance artist and the artistic director of Fresh Meat Productions, shares how his company has been elevating transgender and gender nonconforming voices for 20 years.
Bay Area-based dancer/choreographer Raven Malouf-Renning shares their experience finding their voice as a fat and non-binary performer, as well as their involvement helping to organize “Wandering in the Wilderness” as part of the Inclusive Performance Festival.
An Interview with Non-Binary Choreographer Syniva Whitney Syniva Whitney is an experimental choreographer and interdisciplinary performance artist. They make work inspired by their non-binary transgender and black…