DIY Dance
Erin Kilmurray, a Chicago-based dance artist who is best known for the queer punk dance and variety performance project The Fly Honey Show, describes the drive behind the DIY (do-it-yourself) aesthetic found throughout her work.
Erin Kilmurray, a Chicago-based dance artist who is best known for the queer punk dance and variety performance project The Fly Honey Show, describes the drive behind the DIY (do-it-yourself) aesthetic found throughout her work.
Lucy Wallace, director of Dance To Be Free, facilitates dance in prisons to reduce anxiety and depression through the healing power of movement.
Alessandro Schiattarella, an Italian dance artist based in Switzerland, shares his journey as a dancer with a disability, his choreographic processes, and his experience creating access and awareness through his work.
Albuquerque-based visual and dance artist Erica Wilson renders raw and surrealist moments in dance in her quest to capture gesture and flow.
Talia Bailes, director of Ballet and Books, describes how her nonprofit works nationally to reduce the literacy gap through the hybrid storytelling of dance and reading.