This Year’s Must-Have Dance Supply List


School is starting soon, and that means new dance supplies! The must-have gear for this year is:

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  1. A backpack! To hold dance shoes, ibuprofen, e-cigs, leg and arm warmers to cover any tattoos you may have acquired this summer, Axe deodorant, the coolest new carcinogen-free water bottle, a flask and bun warmers.
  2. New Clothes! Leggings, jeggings, t-shirts you will inevitably tear the neck out of, halter-tards, dance belts for loan, and fingerless gloves (they’re ALL the rage).
  3. Books! Every dancer needs these on their shelves: “The Complete Anthology of Choreography from the 1300s to the 1600s,” “Audition Tips: 2017 Edition, With A Forward by Beyoncé” “The Encyclopedia of Famous Dances You’ve Never Heard Of,” and “Beauty is Experience: Dancing 50 and Beyond.”
  4. Bluetooth headphones and updated music library. If you can’t sing along to all the pop songs in lyrical or hip hop class, you might as well leave.
  5. A monogrammed towel, because you’re sweatier than you think.
  6. A paper copy of your school’s schedule, duh!

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Here’s to another great year of studying, ditching, talking in class, texting on the side, and hopefully improving overall!