Costumes Gone Awry
Meet Ann…
as in Anna Pavolva.
And then meet Vas…
as in Vaslav Nijinsky.
You may have heard of them. They were famous dancers in the early 20th century. In fact, they were so famous that they were made into paper dolls almost 100 years later. How’s that for being famous, eh?!
Now, both Ann and Vas had quite a few costumes in their day.
So many, in fact, that things were bound to go wrong from time to time.
They experienced it all:
(Note: these are loop videos. If they’re not loopin’ go through the site or click on them or hover… just don’t miss my genius videos!)
The Rip:
The Reveal:
The Slip:
The Why-Does-It-Seem-Like-I’m-Wearing-Less-And-Less:
The God-Help-I’ll-Do-Anything-For-This-To-Be-Over:
But they don’t presume to have a monopoly on costume mishaps. Some of Stance on Dance’s readers have shared their costume woes, to be acted out in the coming weeks by none other than Ann and Vas themselves! Enjoy!