By Madelyn Biven
Deep watch four corner hatch caught in so far as give sight rather if cupid had spoke a halo roast glance hair line blows ear lobe across waters lip way absolute special fat volume low winter infinity uncooked it white finally deliver over or more mare dream youth full phrase fade blown by hurry baby flesh shelter sung sway backs child rose small quake bruise like land brim quiver spotted echo gasp glass shatter minimal most intoxicating float knots tie loose come on come home.
Rip lush nest old movie horn last Tuesday meant weather one open circle November second passing city still light drawn direct escape slow glow how some would turn full out heavy heart maybe you sleep maybe you are nothing else grow shallow denim surely it’s orange poppies vault flutter bye down six locations struck moon throw us walk spools by drop abandon upside down store only life goes running golden locks spare key ground and out see let me see.
If you set it up staggered the zig goes
below the zag—-
all day I think about twisting.
Joshua Trees twisting at sunset; photo by Emmaly Wiederholt