Measure the Music: “Cowboys From Hell”

By Jake Padilla

Happy December Stance on Dancers!
This is a very exciting and special Measure the Music.
This month’s selection comes to you not just from me but from some of my closest friends and musical mentors.
We can thank Alex Vittal for arranging “Cowboys From Hell,” written by the heavy metal band Pantera, and performed by the Tetra Quartet in a recent concert in late October.
At measure 74, the 1st violin screeches a diabolical banshee-like terror,
emulating the vocalist’s wild cat scratch fever call from the original recording.
Pure Metal!!!!
Thanks to the Tetra Quartet for putting brutality back into classical music!!
This arrangement is copy written and all sheet music is unavailable to the public eye. However listen to it at the ASU repository! Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Cowboys From Hell.” Measure 74 comes in around 3:27. Rock out!