The Bunion: Undress Rehearsal
By Emmaly Wiederholt; Drawing by Maggie Stack
Been nude in public lately? Looking for that perfect opportunity to display your bod for all to see? May I suggest being nude on stage?
Let me ask you: when was the last time you saw performers undressing on stage? Wait, let me rephrase that: when was the last time you DIDN’T see performers undressing on stage? It’s all the rage! It’s in vogue! Jump on the band wagon! Get naked (or at least partially) for all your friends and family to see!
Dress rehearsals are a thing of the past. What’s the point? You have to be dressed! Undressed performers save time and money, keeping the bulk of their creative energy on the exposed body. From dim lighting and silhouettes to outright nudity, there’s more options than ever when it comes to getting undressed publicly.
I hope to see you exposed onstage soon! And if I can’t make it to the performances, hopefully I can make it to the undress rehearsal!
Merde out there! Don’t get cold!
P.S. Even the New York Times knows what’s up! This article about nude performers was published just last week!