What’s in August’s Flask?

Jake and Ryan love watching dance. They can’t get enough. Every month they plan their calendar around their favorite upcoming shows. But in order to ease the tension and get into the mood, they also bring a cocktail catered to that specific performance. So what’s in August’s flask?

Amy Seiwert’s Imagery-
“SKETCH 2: The Women Choreographers” is the final performances of a month-long investigation into the glass ceiling in ballet. World premieres by Amy Seiwert, Julia Adam and Gina Patterson.

Drink Selection: Vanilla vodka, vanilla soy milk and amaretto. We will call this “Bust-A-Nut” (get your head out of the gutter kids, what else can you call this drink). 

Thu-Sat, Aug 2-4, 8pm $20-25

ODC Theater, 3153 17th St, SF


Navia Natarajan & Jyotsna Vaideeswaran-
“The Quest Unsaid,” an Indian classical dance, explores what’s hidden in human relationships and emotions through the weaving of poetry, classical music and rhythm.

Drink Selection:  An Indian Summer Sangria (Red wine, blackberry brandy, peach schnapps, muddle fruit and a dash of curry powder).

Fri-Sat, Aug 3-4, 8pm, $20

CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission St, SF


Ballet de la Compasión / The Tea Dancers-
“Un Recuerdo del Futuro / A Memory from the Future” is a bilingual multimedia show with dance, aerial dance, live painting, video art and poetry.

Drink Selection: The Compassionate Tea Party.  Soak silver tequila with a passion fruit Tazo tea bag for 3 hours.  Pour with lime.

Sat, Aug 11, 8pm; Sun, Aug 12, 2pm, $20

Eighth Street Studio, 2525 Eight St, Berkeley


Bianca Cabrera’s Blind Tiger Society-
“Sunk in Sleep” is part daydream, part nightmare and a full kick of kinetic sensationalism. A down-the-rabbit-hole kind of exploit, “Sunk in Sleep” takes you straight into the belly of your own beast.

Drink Selection: Ryan’s first choice is a Surfer on Acid (jaeger, Malibu, pineapple juice – shake, pour, enjoy)  A Hpnotiq chilled for Jake please.

Fri-Sun, Aug 17-19, 8pm, $15

CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission St, SF


VivvyAnne ForeverMORE!/Mica Sigourney/OX-
“Work MORE! #5,” brings together drag queens and non-drag artists to create a suite of four 15 minute installations resulting in a 1 hour audience interactive performance of epic proportions.

Drink Selection: Flaming Dr. Pepper (no pun intended).  Shot of Barcardi 151, light on fire, pour into beer.  

Fri-Sun, Aug 24-26, 8pm, $20

CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission St, SF


“Between the Shadow and the Soul,” inspired by nature and experience, premieres three original works that explore the cyclical nature of human interaction.

Drink Selection: A Nature’s Beet.  Muddle beets and sugar, pour in gin.  For a more organic approach, serve room temp.

Fri-Sat, Aug 31-Sep 1, 8pm; Sun, Sep 2, 7pm, $15-20

Dance Mission Theater, 3316 24th St, SF
