Search results for ‘silva laukkanen’

Nastija Fijolič: “Judge Me as A Dancer, Not as A Wheelchair Dancer”

“I love to compete in para dance even though I know I will not win because I know they will judge me as a dancer, not as a wheelchair dancer.” Slovenian para dancer Nastija Fijolič shares some of her frustrations with aspects of para dance sport but why it is ultimately her home and community.

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Lusi Insiati: “To Be Accepted as We Are”

“My dream is for my disability friends to access any type of dance and that we can be accepted as we are.” Lusi Insiati, a dancer in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, shares her experience finding and pursuing dance through the inclusive dance troupe Nalitari.

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Kazuyo Morita: “We Need Role Models”

“We need role models in this field so there’s somebody who other disabled people can copy or aspire to be, but I don’t think that’s possible unless more dancers come into this field. I personally think it’s very important to establish the status of disabled dancers and train more disabled dancers.” Kazuyo Morita, a dancer and actress from Osaka, Japan, shares how crucial role models are to motivating people with disabilities to try dance.

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The Discussing Disability in Dance Book is Published!

“Breadth of Bodies: Discussing Disability in Dance” is published and available for purchase! This book has been five years in the making and we are honored to share it with our community.

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Exploring How Performance is Experienced

Jess Curtis, an award-winning choreographer, performer, and scholar based in San Francisco and Berlin, shares how his career took a turn when he accepted a job in an interdisciplinary nouveau cirque company in France, and how he later established himself in Berlin while still running his company Jess Curtis/Gravity in the Bay Area.

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