“Focus on pleasure. Freedom. You have permission. No Expectations.”
Giulia Carotenuto, a Dance Movement Therapist in New York City, helps dancers reclaim embodiment through the integration of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.
Read articleStance on Dance’s Journey to Print
Stance on Dance is 10 years old, and to celebrate, we’ve become a 501c3 nonprofit and launched a twice-a-year print publication! Read more about Stance on Dance’s journey and this exciting new chapter!
Read articleAt The Intersection of Dance, Spirituality, and Healing
New York City-based dancers Joy Havens and Nehemoyia Young, both members of Gibney’s Moving Toward Justice Cohort, seek to address religious trauma through dance in their project “In Liberated Company.”
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Have a question, opinion or a stance on dance? Get in touch at Emmaly@StanceOnDance.com. Meet our director and editor: Emmaly Wiederholt is a dance artist and arts journalist based in Albuquerque, NM. She founded Stance on Dance in 2012. Emmaly earned her MA in Arts Journalism from the University of…
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